Quarterly newsletters and the annual year-end report are mailed to contributing members with a Kansas address.
2024 - Summer, Issue 2
Harvesting hope: Treg Hatcher is restoring the land on his 8,600-acre cattle ranch in Syracuse, Kansas through rotational grazing and other conservation practices
2024 - Spring, Issue 1
Generational Grasslands benefit conservation and economy and why we graze grasslands.
2023 - Fall, Issue 3
Q&A with new state director Ben Postlethwait and research drones at Cheyenne Bottoms.
Summer 2023 Special Update
Meet our new state director, technology in conservation, 161,000 acres protected, legislative recap
2023 - Spring, Issue 1
10,086 acres of sand prairie protected using “Purchase, Protect, Resell” model that builds on traditional land protection.
Year In Review Reports
2023 Year in Review
Helping farmers use less water, grassland stewardship program to expand from Flint Hills to cover the entire state, a greenway vision for the Blue River, reservoir management changes for the Kansas River, focusing conservation in western Kansas to ensure resilient wildlife and ranching.
2022 Year in Review
Saving the last of the tallgrass prairie, a banner year for shorebirds at Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas leads five state grassland initiative, Generations campaign completed
2021 Year in Review
Fighting for a lesser prairie-chicken stronghold, moving beyond protected in the Flint Hills, the future of farming, a campaign for Generations, birds-eye views of Cheyenne Bottoms, and Blue River headwaters conservation.