

Stories in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota

Our Changing Climate

Adapting, mitigating and speaking up in the face of climate change.

Two hikers walking in a prairie toward the setting sun.
Hikers on a Prairie Hikers in the prairie after a thunderstorm near Strawberry Lake, North Dakota. © Richard Hamilton Smith

Climate change is here.

It's already having an enormous impact on our region's waters, lands, wildlife and people. And while far from rising seas, we're still seeing the effects of climate change locally. It's showing up in the form of droughts and dying trees, extreme weather and flooding events, and the compounded effects of both in far too many of our waterways. We must act now to preserve nature and protect our quality of life.

Landscape view of vast golden grasslands with blue sky and puffy clouds overhead.
Grasslands One example of natural climate solutions, protected grasslands store massive amounts of carbon in their roots and soils. © Richard Hamilton Smith

Nature-Based Solutions Can Help!

Nature is our first line of defense against many climate impacts. It also provides a cost-effective solution to protecting communities and economies from the impacts of climate change like urban heat, extreme flooding, catastrophic storms and stormwater runoff.

Two agronomists and a farmer inspect a field.
Regenerative Farming Soil health practices, like reduced tillage and planting cover crops, increase carbon storage in the soil. © Fauna Creative

How We Tackle Climate Change

People Must Be Part of the Equation

Our Approach

  • Person planting a tree in a forest setting.

    Natural Climate Solutions

    We have powerful tools at our disposal that can help mitigate the effects of climate change. These natural climate solutions—conservation, restoration and improved land management—are tools we can deploy right now in landscapes across the globe. Explore NCS.

  • Gloved hand holding a fistful of prairie seeds.

    Nature-Based Adaptation

    We’re working hard to ensure our natural and working lands are resilient to climate change. Nature-based adaptation refers to nature-based tactics to facilitate climate adaptation both for biodiversity and the people who rely on these systems. Watch the video.

  • Two farmers working a crop.

    People for Climate

    We know that the scale of the problems we're facing requires all hands on deck. That's why we're working to engage people like you to speak up in support of nature-based solutions to the climate crisis. Use your voice!

Closeup view of radish plants among dry, brown leaves.
SOIL HEALTH Radishes are one example of cover crops grown to enrich soil health on Minnesota's farms. © Jason Whalen

what the science says

Nature Can Provide 30% of Climate Solutions

Closeup of a diverse northern forest that shows different species and stages of growth.
Reforestation Reforestation, specifically in Minnesota, offers one of our best opportunities to invest in natural climate solutions in our region. © David Bowman

Want to Dig Deeper?

Raise Your Voice, Not Emissions!

The science is clear: climate change is here and it is now. Stand up in support of a sustainable future for all.