Laura Marx
Climate Adaptation Scientist, Massachusetts

Laura Marx climate solutions scientist for The Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts © Laura Marx
Areas of Expertise
Natural Climate Solutions, Forest Ecology, Climate-Smart Forest Management, Landscape Connectivity
Laura Marx is the climate solutions scientist for The Nature Conservancy in Massachusetts. She leads the chapter’s work on natural climate solutions including better management and protection of forests, wetlands and farms to reduce and remove carbon emissions. As part of her work on how forests are impacted by and can help fight climate change, Laura leads the Green Mountains to Hudson Highlands Linkage (also known as the Berkshire Wildlife Linkage), a regional conservation partnership.
Laura grew up in the Allegheny Mountains of Western Pennsylvania and studied old growth forests in Upper Michigan for her PhD dissertation at Michigan State University. She has made western Massachusetts her home for nearly 20 years. When she isn’t working, she enjoys running, biking and walking on the bike trail and watching her kids’ various athletic and musical pursuits.
In the Media
Students on forests’ front lines
Pilot program trains next generation to control invasive plants, protect and plant trees. Learn more
‘Hope I’m going to live that long’
Land conservation program leaves applicants in limbo. Listen to the segment
Climate-Smart Forestry for Small Forest Landowners
Hear from Laura Marx on the importance of the Family Forest Carbon Program. Watch video
Living Well into the Future podcast: Episode 15: Sustaining Habitat
Marx shares the challenges and successes of her work. Listen
Impact of shadegrown coffee and cocoa agroforestry
A study by The Nature Conservancy’s Natural Climate Solutions Prototyping Network in the watersheds of the Dominican Republic. Read the paper
Healthy Forests for our future
A management guide to increase carbon storage in Northeast forests. Read the paper
Natural Climate Solutions Handbook
A guide by The Nature Conservancy and partners. Read the report
North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative
Stream Crossing Instruction Guide for Terrestrial Passage Assessments. View the guide