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Gardening for Conservation

Webinar Series

Painted lady butterfly on purple coneflower.
Red Admiral Butterfly Join us for a webinar series about how to start practicing conservation from your own garden. © Danae Wolfe/TNC


Event Overview

Are you passionate about preserving our planet’s natural beauty and biodiversity? Curious about how you can make a difference right from your own backyard?

We’re thrilled to announce our Gardening for Conservation webinar series, brought to you by The Nature Conservancy and Ohio State University Extension. Learn how to create wildlife-friendly habitats, manage invasive species and promote sustainable practices right in your own green space while engaging with experts who will share their insights on practical conservation strategies tailored for your local environment.

Schedule of Events

All events held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6:00 to 7:15 pm ET. Click event title to register for each session.

Swallowtail butterfly on goat's beard flower.
Deer tick on green leaf.
Raccoon on a tree.
Vegetables in a basket.

Wednesday, June 26th

Growing Your Own Food for Conservation
The popularity of producing your own food has grown tremendously over the past few years. Not only is it good for the planet, but it's also good for you! In this session, we'll discuss how to get started with growing your own food and what you can plant right NOW to get a harvest in 2024.

Speakers: Tim McDermott, OSU Assistant Professor and Extension Educator, and A.J. Boyce, TNC Agriculture Conservation Practitioner


Wednesday, July 24th

Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape

From Callery pear and bush honeysuckle to barberry and burning bush, invasive plants are everywhere among us. And they’re causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll explore common ornamental plants that turned invasive and what to replace them with in your home landscape, while highlighting the work TNC is doing to manage invasive plants in natural areas.

Speakers: Kathy Smith, OSU Forestry Program Director, and Derrick Cooper, TNC Grand River Restoration Coordinator


Wednesday, August 28th

The Good, The Bad and the Hungry: Dealing with Wildlife in the Garden
Eaten plants, dug up bulbs and holes in the lawn…if you spend time in the garden or landscape, no doubt you have encountered these issues. Many species of wildlife are living among us, in our communities and in our backyards. Viewing these species can be enjoyable, but sometimes conflict arises. Fortunately, most wildlife damage can be managed with the right techniques and strategies.

Speakers: Marne Titchenell, OSU Wildlife Program Director, and Ashley Kulhanek, OSU Extension Educator


Wednesday, September 25th

Everyone Loves Free (plant) Food!
Composting is one of the best ways to address soil health, build organic matter and keep valuable materials from the landscape. Come learn the basics of composting, how to get started and some other ways you can help the planet and help your plants at the same time. Our discussion will also include why leaving your leaves can help plants and wildlife in your home landscape.

Speaker: Tim McDermott, OSU Assistant Professor and Extension Educator, and Danae Wolfe, TNC Digital Marketing Manager