

Places We Protect

Choptank Wetlands


Close cropped view of a person holding a brush to a small canvas painting a wetland scene.
Landscape Painting Artist Nancy Tankersley works on a plein air oil study of the landscape at King's Creek/Choptank Wetlands preserve. © Mark Godfrey / TNC

One of the Chesapeake Bay's most important natural areas.



A survey of natural areas conducted by the Smithsonian Institution ranked this marsh system as one of the most important Chesapeake Bay natural areas. King’s Creek, an undisturbed, brackish marsh, is unusually rich in plant species and bird life and provides habitat for nesting waterfowl and spawning fish.

The preserve is open year round for canoeing and birdwatching. In winter, look for northern harrier, wood duck and snipe. Spring brings red-winged blackbirds, osprey, least bittern and red-tailed hawks to the preserve.

Access is permitted by small boats only; overland access is no longer available due to the closure of the boardwalk.  



Dogs are not allowed at this preserve.


Open year round for canoeing and birdwatching. Access is permitted by small boats only; overland access is no longer available due to the closure of the boardwalk. 


656 acres

Explore our work in Maryland/DC

Visiting Our Nature Preserves

Read our Preserve Guidelines to learn about permitted and prohibited uses, and ways of enjoying these spaces.

A NOTE ON HUNTING: Several TNC nature preserves in Maryland include hunting leases for deer management. Visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to find information on hunting season, licenses and access on public lands. When visiting a TNC nature preserve during hunting season, please wear blaze orange and try to avoid visiting in the early morning or evening hours when hunting is most active. For additional guidelines on how you can hike safely during the hunting season, visit the American Hiking Society.

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