Why You Should Visit
What's New at Green's Bluff
TNC has improved the existing trail at Green’s Bluff and added interpretive signage to enhance visitor enjoyment. In 2020 and 2021, TNC also created a second trail and ten acres of pollinator habitat at the newer acquisition.
The new trail and pollinator habitat were made possible by a grant from the Duke Energy Foundation. Duke has been a long-time supporter of TNC and conservation projects in Indiana.
What The Nature Conservancy is Doing/has Done
The Conservancy has added important acreage and protected the site from imminent development. We are also actively pursuing more additions at the preserve to consolidate protection of oak forests.
The Nature Conservancy has planted more than 68,000 trees at Green’s Bluff in order repair and connect the fragmented forest here.
- WHY: Many plant and animal species need large, unfragmented forests to survive.
- WHAT: We planted hardwood tree species such as red oak, white oak, black walnut, black cherry and shagbark hickory. Also included in the mix are flowering dogwood and hazelnut trees.
- HOW: TNC staff machine-planted fallow hayfields, planting 680 trees per acre. We selected trees based upon their growth rates, historical presence in the area and habitat value.
- WHEN: The trees were planted in 2001, 2016 and 2017.