

Places We Protect

Samuel H. Ordway, Jr. Memorial Preserve

South Dakota

A bison bull looking at the camera.
Bison bull Ordway Prairie in South Dakota. © Gustavus Adolphus College

The grasslands of the Great Plains once covered one-fifth of the North American Continent.



Why You Should Visit

The grasslands of the Great Plains once covered one-fifth of North America. Ordway represents a fraction of what remains after the west was settled. Visitors are reminded of the history of the Great Plains through the numerous granite boulders and potholes that are evidence of the area's glacial past. Indigenous history is recalled by teepee rings, and settlements of pioneers are remembered in the ruins of an old homestead.

Ordway Prairie lies at the southern end of large untilled landscape consisting of over 135,000 acres that extends into North Dakota. Within that landscape, many properties are managed by conservation partners such as Ducks Unlimited, South Dakota Game Fish and Parks and the Fish and Wildlife Service.

A weather station was installed at Ordway Prairie in 2007 as part of the U.S. Climate Reference Network. This network of climate stations is designed to track the nation’s temperature and precipitation trends. In exchange for basic maintenance, TNC gets access to the real-time weather data, which is useful because much of our work is dependent on, or affected by, the weather, such as prescribed fire, weed control and monitoring.

Why TNC Selected This Site

Most of the preserve has never been plowed and has been managed with a good rotational grazing system. The area contained a very diverse mix of prairie plants, which was the original scientific interest. The aquatic communities were also of interest to TNC. Ordway Prairie is the largest preserve owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy in South Dakota. The landscape in which the preserve lies is threatened by conversion to agriculture, incompatible grazing practices and invasive species.


Limited Access

See visit tab below for details.


7,800 acres

Explore our work in South Dakota

Bison herd.
Bison at Ordway Samuel H. Ordway Jr. Memorial Prairie is home to a herd of more than 300 bison. © Amy Carlson/TNC


The portion of S. H. Ordway Prairie Preserve just south of the interpretive sign on the south side of State Highway 10 is open to the public for hiking and observing wildlife. The area does not have facilities or a maintained trail. Other portions of the preserve are enrolled in the Walk-in Area administered by South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks and can be located by referring to South Dakota Game, Fish and Park’s hunting atlas. Researchers may access the preserve with a research permit. Apply for a permit here.

Supplies and fuel can be purchased in Leola about 10 miles east or in Eureka about 20 miles west of Ordway. A small hotel and camping facilities are available in Eureka.

What to See: Plants

Over 300 plant species exist on the preserve. Tallgrass species are in the lowland areas, mid-height species are found on hill sides, and short grass species found on hill tops. Hillsides are covered with wildflowers from late spring throughout the summer.

What to See: Animals

TNC maintains a bison herd of more than 300 animals in the central portion of the preserve. The bison are wild animals and should not be approached. The herd can sometimes be viewed across the fence from the nature trail area. Badgers, ground squirrels, fox and coyotes may also be viewed on the preserve. The preserve also contains more than 400 wetlands. Several thousand pairs of waterfowl nest on the preserve along with shorebirds, grebes, rails and herons. The 7,800 acres of contiguous mixed grass prairie is used by many grassland birds.


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