

Places We Protect

Selinger Marsh

Maryland / DC

Purple flower with four purple fringed tip petals. The center of the flower is pale yellow.
Selinger Marsh State-rare fringe-tipped gentian. © Alden Warner

Explore an unusual wetland in an otherwise dry region.



Selinger Marsh lies in the rain shadow of the Appalachian Mountains—this area receives the least rainfall in Maryland. Springs on the surrounding slopes provide the water for the marsh, making it an unusual wetland in a otherwise very dry region. This area was selected for conservation for that reason.

Its importance as a breeding ground for amphibians makes the site a priority in order to maintain viable populations of these species in this part of Maryland. It has been protected by TNC since 1985.

There are no facilities, trails or established parking areas at this preserve.



Dogs are not allowed at this preserve.


Open year round, dawn to dusk.


There are no facilities, trails, or established parking areas at this preserve.


85 acres

Explore our work in Maryland / DC


  • The preserve is small, but the watershed is completely protected and provides an important breeding ground for amphibians, including the upland chorus frog and Jefferson salamander.

    Fringe-tipped gentian (Gentiana andrewsii) is a rare plant species in Maryland that grows here. Other wetland plants include arrowhead, monkey-flower and cardinal flower. New England aster, great blue lobelia, water plantain and blue flag also grow here. The wetland opening is surrounded by a dense stand of silky dogwood, alder and elderberry. 

  • Read our Preserve Guidelines to learn about permitted and prohibited uses, ways of enjoying these spaces, a note about hunting season and more. 

  • Several TNC nature preserves in Maryland include hunting leases for deer management. Visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources to find information on hunting season, licenses and access on public lands. When visiting a TNC nature preserve during hunting season, please wear blaze orange and try to avoid visiting in the early morning or evening hours when hunting is most active. For additional guidelines on how you can hike safely during the hunting season, visit the American Hiking Society.

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