

Places We Protect

Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve


Sun setting on a hilly horizon of lush grass and flowers.
Tallgrass Prairie Sunset at Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve near Strong City, Kansas. © Ryan Donnell

The U.S.'s only national park unit dedicated to the tallgrass prairie, privately owned by The Nature Conservancy and co-managed with the National Park Service.



Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve is located in the heart of the Flint Hills—the largest expanse of tallgrass prairie left in the world. It is the only unit of the National Park Service (NPS) that is dedicated to the rich natural history of the tallgrass prairie.

In 1996, Congress authorized the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, creating a unique model of private/public ownership that was called "a model for the nation" by Kansas Senator Nancy Kassebaum Baker. The authorizing legislation mandated that the majority of the preserve must be owned by a private entity—not the federal government. By 2004, the preserve’s private partner had run into financial difficulty, to the extent that it appeared portions of the land would be sold to satisfy debt and other liabilities. The Nature Conservancy came to the park's aid by purchasing the preserve and partnering with NPS to jointly manage this remnant of the tallgrass prairie ecosystem.

Tallgrass prairie is an incredibly diverse ecosystem. The preserve is home to more than 500 species of plants. Prominent grasses such as big bluestem, Indian grass, switchgrass, and little bluestem appear to dominate the plant community; however, they are far outnumbered by the diversity of herbaceous plants (wildflowers). Fauna ranges from large grazing animals like deer, bison and cattle to a multitude of insects, amphibians and reptiles and other animal life. Grasslands birds, like greater prairie-chicken (a type of grouse), which have lost much of its native habitat, are of particular interest.




Trails sare open 24 hours a day, year-round, but camping is not allowed. Visitor Center & Historic Buildings Hours: May 1-October 31 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., daily November 1-April 30: 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m., daily

Wheelchair Accessible

The visitor center has accessible parking available 24 hours daily. Wheelchair accessible restrooms are available inside the visitor center. An after-hours restroom is in the Visitor Center breezeway. The Bottomland Trail is wheelchair-friendly (except when wet) and features a trailhead kiosk, five interpretive waysides, a wheelchair-accessible comfort station, a picnic area, benches, and two varying-length trails of 3/4 or 1/2 mile.


Whether you're a birdwatcher, wildflower lover, hiker or just an eternal student with an interest in history, this preserve will keep you busy.


10,876 acres

Explore our work in Kansas

Two adult bison standing in a green field of grass.
Bison on the Preserve © Tom Gross

Bison: An Icon Returns

In 2009, The Nature Conservancy and the National Park Service reintroduced bison to the preserve. Thirteen bison were secured from Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota and shipped to start a small satellite herd to protect their unique genetics. These bison were first to roam the preserve in more than one hundred years. Visitors can often view the herd, which has since grown to 85 animals, when hiking through the Windmill Pasture. 

Learn more about efforts to restore bison to Native Nations and communities.

On November 16, 2020, the United States Mint issued a coin commemorating the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve under the America the Beautiful Quarters program.
Tallgrass Prairie Quarter © The United States Mint

Tallgrass Prairie Quarter Minted

On November 16, 2020, the United States Mint issued a coin commemorating the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve under the America the Beautiful Quarters program. The program selected one national site in each state for its natural or historic significance. The quarter depicts a skyward view of a regal fritillary butterfly against a backdrop of iconic big bluestem and Indian grasses.

Plan Your Visit

Temporary Bottomland Trail Closing

Beginning August 2024, the Bottomland Nature Trail will be closed for construction of a concrete wheelchair-accessible trail surface, parking space, and pad in the parking lot 

Construction could take as long at 6 months, but more than 40 miles of other trails remain open. Upon completion of this project, the one-mile Bottomland Nature Trail and parking lot will be fully accessible, even during wet weather.

The Bottomland Nature Trail is located two miles south of the preserve headquarters off K-177 and Road 227.

There is no entrance fee for Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. All activities at the preserve are free.

Read about accessibility at the Preserve

Personal vehicles cannot be driven on the preserve. However, the Flint Hills National Scenic Byway along K-177 offers a view of the prairie from your vehicle. Tune your car radio to 1680 AM to learn more while in the area.

Visiting Hours

Preserve open 24 hours a day, year-round. No camping.
Bicycles, ATVs and private vehicles are not allowed.

Visitor Center & Historic Buildings Hours
May through October: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., daily
November through April: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., daily.
The Visitor Center is closed on all federal holidays.

Preserve Events Calendar

Podcasts and Virtual Tours from the National Park Service

Fishing Ponds

Three preserve ponds are open to the public for catch and release fishing under the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Park's Fishing Impoundments and Stream Habitats program. The ponds are open during daylight hours year-round. A valid Kansas fishing license is required for anglers between the ages of 16 to 65.


Pets on leash or leads may accompany you in the parking lots, picnic areas and the areas surrounding the historic buildings. Pets are not allowed inside park buildings or on the bus for prairie tours, except service animals. 

Dogs on leash are allowed to accompany you on four nature trail sections year-round: Fox Creek Trail, Z Bar Spur, Bottomland Nature Trail and Southwind Nature Trail. Dogs on leash are allowed on the Two Section Trail only when cattle are not present (fall to early spring). 

Please pick up after your pets. Waste disposal bags are located at the kiosk at the base of the driveway hill and on the Southwind Nature Trail access point.

Trail Maps & Other Resources

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